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Haney Park Photo Gallery
Haney Park Projects

The Shuswap Vintage Car Club held its first meeting on October 20, 1983 with 28 people in attendance. Robert Reading was elected as President,  Stallard McConnell, Vice- President, Butch Clifford secretary, John Wycesany treasurer, and Bill Arnold, Richard Maki, Jelte Ganzeveld, Pat Shirley, Jerry Foskett and Ted Reading, Directors.  

At the Fall, 1984, meeting of the Vintage Car Club of Canada, we applied to be accepted as a Chapter and were accepted as the Shuswap Chapter. Since that time we have increased our membership to 150 members as of December 2007.  

Our Chapter is very committed to the support of our Communities, which include members from Armstrong, Enderby, Sicamous, Salmon Arm, Sorrento, Eagle Bay and Celista. We have made donations of money to Senior’s facilities in Salmon Arm, Sorrento and Enderby. Another organization that received financial support is the local area Search and Rescue group.  


Doug Abbott

Vice President        

Barry Swenson


Kathy Morrison   250 836-4561


Nigel Jones  250-833-4514


Jim McConnell 250-832-6385



Chapter Meetings

3rd Thursday at 7:30 PM at the Seniors' Centre  170 5th Ave. SE, Salmon Arm 

Chapter Address

VCCC Shuswap Chapter, 5530 20th Avenue N.E., Salmon Arm B.C..V1E 1X6

The Chapter's most ambitious project was to preserve a part of Salmon Arm’s history. The Log Cabin Service Station was first constructed in 1927 by Mr. A.D. Meek on the south – east corner of Palmer St. and Alexander Ave. Mr. Meek was the Union Oil Dealer and had a small trucking company. The building was made of small logs and had an overhang at the front that covered the gas pumps. The ends of the logs were painted Union Oil colours, one end orange and the next one blue, and so on.

The building was dismantled in 1935 and towed by water to Paradise Point on Shuswap Lake and re-erected as a summer cabin. The cabin and property were sold to Mr. and Mrs. Dick Richards in 1944 and later was left to their daughter Pam ( Mrs. Bob Johnson). A few years ago the Johnsons contacted one of our club members with the offer to donate the building to us, with the provision that it be restored to original and placed at a museum. The offer was accepted and the building now stands at R.J.Haney Heritage Park, erected on a corner lot as it was originally. With many generous donations of money, materials and labour, the Service Station is now complete. We have also had donated to us many old Service Station articles and equipment to help complete the display.

Our next project at R.J.Haney Heritage Park is to construct a replica of the Lester and Thompson Garage and Chevrolet Dealership that was at the corner of Front St. and Alexander Ave. in downtown Salmon Arm in the 1910s and 20s. This building will be about 32 ft. by 80 ft. and will house car displays and equipment of the era.











